Irwanto Lentho

Irwanto Lentho

Born on Sukoharjo, 04 April 1979. Studied at the Modern School of Design Yogyakarta And the Faculty of Visual Art, with a major program of Graphic Art, Indonesian Institute of Arts  ( ISI )  Yogyakarta

Works: For Lentho, painting becomes one of the therapy to live life. By painting, Lentho wants to stop the moment and document it, for him, he also finds solace in it and painting helps him solve the problem that comes in his daily life. His story in his painting are mostly influenced by the surrounding phenomenon that he faces, such as his concern for the environment and satire of the political situation in the country.



  • Finalis Philip Moris ART AWARD 2001
  • Finalis Trienal Seni Grafis II Indonesia 2006
  • 2 Winner of Graphic Triennale Indonesia III 2009
  • Nominee Indonesia Art Award 2010
  • Finalist of Jakarta Art Awards 2012
  • Nominee GG Indonesia Art Award 2015
  • “ Rest Area “ Seni Rupa Nusantara 2017
  • Finalis UOB Painting of the Year 2018
  • ”Kontraksi Pascatradisionalisme ” Seni Rupa Nusantara 2019

Solo Exhibitions


  • Solo Exhibition “Sang Pencukil ” Bentara Budaya Jakarta
  • Solo Exhibition “ Sang PenCukil “ Balai Soedjatmiko Solo
  • Solo Exhibition “ Sang Pencukil “ Bentara Budaya Bali
  • Solo Exhibition “Sang Pencukil” Bentara Budaya  Yogyakarta


  • Solo Exhibition“HUT ke-1 Seni Grafis Absurd” di Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta


  • Graphic Art Final Work, Solo Exhibition, “Respon Masalah Sosial Politik”, ISI Yogyakarta